Curriculum of Magister Computer Science Education

The following are important components of the Computer Science Education Master study program curriculum:

  1. Objectives
  2. Degree of study program
  3. Curriculum Development Study
  4. Graduate Qualification Profile
  5. Learning Outcomes
  6. Curriculum structure
  7. List and distribution of courses
  8. Learning process
  9. Assessment
  10. Mapping PLO versus Qualification Profile
  11. Mapping PLO versus Courses

1. Objectives

Referring to the vision and mission, the following are the objectives of the Master of Computer Science Education Study Program:

  1. To produce graduates who are faithful and devoted to God Almighty, manifested by an attitude of integrity, honesty, empathy, and responsibility.
  2. To produce graduates who are able to apply the noble values of Pancasila and have a high sense of nationalism.
  3. To produce graduates who have competence in theories/concepts and implementations in the fields of education, software engineering, multimedia, computer networks, and other latest technologies.
  4. Produce graduates who are able to carry out research independently to solve problems in the world of education by involving various disciplines.
  5. Produce graduates as experts in the field of computer science education who are ready to enter and work in Indonesian and international communities.
  6. Produce graduates who have the ability to build networks/cooperation, communication, and high self-development.

2. Degree of study program

The degree for graduates of the Master of Computer Science Education Study Program is “M.Pd.”

3. Curriculum Development Study

The industrial revolution 4.0 brought many changes, especially in the industrial sector involving digitalization from all walks of life. This began with the use of the internet that connected various tools, which became known as the Internet of Things. So, each of these tools can communicate, exchange data, and with programmed artificial intelligence methods, the tool can finally make decisions based on the input data received from various available sensors. Computer programs embedded in tools can involve various concepts and technologies in artificial intelligence, including Machine Learning. With this machine learning, the algorithm has the ability to learn automatically from the incoming training data. This computing process can also involve Cloud Computing technology, so that the data and knowledge used can be stored on the internet network provided by the Cloud Computing vendor. That way, various reliable and safe services can be obtained and used at any time and place.

The industrial revolution 4.0 cannot be utilized by the Indonesian people without education that is able to adopt and rely on progress and changes in this revolution. To achieve this, education must have learning methods, curricula, and other tools that: (i) support the improvement of critical thinking skills, (ii) have creativity and innovative abilities, (iii) have good communication skills and abilities, (iv) have the ability to cooperate and work in teams, and (v) have high flexibility and adaptability to be able to keep up with rapid technological developments. This is in line with various current educational concepts, which are better known as “Education for the 21st Century” (or education for the 21st century). This education is simply a learning that provides 21st century skills to students to be able to communicate, collaborate, think critically and solve problems, be creative and innovative, and master information technology. For this reason, the application of a scientific approach is needed to achieve the target of this student's ability.

On the other hand, with the development of technology and the need for the abilities of students in the 21st century, teachers/teachers also need to prepare themselves so that they are able to meet various competency requirements to carry out their duties and authorities professionally in accordance with existing demands and regulations. Various opinions explain that the challenges of teachers in the 21st century are not simple, namely:

  1. Teaching in multicultural society: Teachers need to be able to teach in a society that has cultural and linguistic differences.
  2. Teaching for the construction of meaning: Teachers must have the ability to construct a concept.
  3. Teaching for active learning: Teachers can apply active learning methods for their students.
  4. Teaching with technology: Teachers are able to involve the latest technology in their teaching.
  5. Teaching that focuses on carácter building: Teachers do not teach knowledge, but are also tasked with building good character for their students.
  6. Teaching for the hard and soft skills: Teachers are tasked with building skills in terms of knowledge, creativity, communication, and solving a problem to improve student competitiveness.
With the many challenges that must be faced by a teacher, the education of a teacher also needs to be improved both in terms of quality and level.


Therefore, in line with the changing phenomena and challenges that have been described previously, the Department of Computer Science Education responded by opening a Masters Program in Computer Science Education. This study program is designed in 38 credits which contains teaching and strengthening materials in the fields of education, computer network technology, multimedia technology, software engineering, and other capabilities that are in line with current trends (among others artificial intelligence/machine learning, digital pedagogy, data analysis, internet of things, etc.). So, briefly, this master's study program is expected to be able to provide solutions to the challenges that must be faced by teachers, especially teachers in the field of computer science.Therefore, in line with the changing phenomena and challenges that have been described previously, the Department of Computer Science Education responded by opening a Masters Program in Computer Science Education. This study program is designed in 38 credits which contains teaching and strengthening materials in the fields of education, computer network technology, multimedia technology, software engineering, and other capabilities that are in line with current trends (among others artificial intelligence/machine learning, digital pedagogy, data analysis, internet of things, etc.). So, briefly, this master's study program is expected to be able to provide solutions to the challenges that must be faced by teachers, especially teachers in the field of computer science.

3.1 Comparative Analysis of Computer Science Education Master's Programs at Ex-LPTK Universities

In this subchapter, the results of a survey on master's degree programs in computer science education or the like at several universities will be reviewed, which is a change/replacement from the state Education Personnel Education Institution (LPTK). As information is available on the official website of LPTK universities, it can be seen that:

  1. Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP, ): There are 3 master programs, namely Educational Technology, Environmental Science, and Social Studies Education. Of the three Study Programs, the one that has similarities with Computer Science Education is the Education Technology Study Program. Based on the curriculum offered in this study program, we can see that the focus of the study program's expertise is on technology related to improving teaching, such as multimedia, web-based learning, and distance learning technology. So it can be said that this study program does not provide sufficient lecture material to improve professional skills and knowledge of computer science or informatics. On the other hand, the proposed Masters Program in Computer Science Education at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia does not only focus on improving the ability of teachers on teaching and educational models/methods but also on the professions in the field of computer science, namely multimedia, software engineering, computer networks, and technology. latest in computer science.

  2. Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES, Based on the information presented on the website, there are 21 master study programs. However, there is no study program related to computer science and informatics or anything similar to this.

  3. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY, ): Based on the information on the website, there are more than 10 master programs. From the study program, the master study program that is similar to this proposal is the master program for electronics and informatics engineering education. Based on the curriculum in this study program, there are several basic courses taught, namely computer networks, information systems, and vocational learning models. So overall, the evaluation of the Study Program curriculum is more repeating the courses that have been taught at the undergraduate level and less adopting the latest technological developments. This is different from this proposed Masters Study Program which has proposed for a more in-depth and comprehensive course than at the undergraduate level and has adopted current technological developments.

  4. Universitas Negeri Malang (UM, ): At UM postgraduate there are more than 30 Masters Study Programs. However, none of the Masters Study Programs is the same and similar to the Masters Program in Computer Science Education as proposed in this proposal.
  5. Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ, ): Several Masters Programs are offered by the Postgraduate UNJ, one of which is the Masters Program in Educational Technology. As stated in the curriculum in this study program, the focus of education is on preparing teachers to be experts in building learning media and technology. So, it can be said that there is no Master Study Program that is the same/similar to the proposal in this proposal.

  6. Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA, ): Of the Masters Programs offered by UNESA, there is no study program that has similarities to Computer Science Education or Information Technology Education.

From the surveys mentioned above, it can be concluded that the Master Program in Computer Science Education can fill the void in fulfilling and improving the teaching profession in the field of computer science/informatics. Furthermore, the establishment of the Master Program in Computer Science Education for the first time at the LPTK University can strengthen the motto of the Indonesian Education University, which is "Leading and Outstanding".


3.2 Analysis of Computer Science Expertise Based on Professional Institutions

In the field of Computer Science, there are 2 overseas professional institutions that have become references by universities around the world, namely the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). These two professional institutions have compiled a Computing Curricula which is a guide in the preparation of the curriculum (especially for the undergraduate level) in the field of computing. Briefly, the expertise group in computing can be divided into 6 fields, namely Electrical Engineering (EE), Computer Engineering (CE), Computer Science (CS), Software Engineering (SE), Information Technology (IT), and Information Systems (IS). From the six fields, it is clear that the Master Program in Computer Science Education proposed in this proposal is closely related to the field of Computer Science (CS).

Based on the Computing Curricula compiled by IEEE and ACM, CS focuses on theory and algorithmic foundations for technology development such as robotics, computer vision, intelligent systems, bioinformatics, and others. CS also focuses on techniques to design, implement, and find effective ways to solve computational problems, as illustrated in the figure below:


Picture of Computer Science Concentration


It is clear that computer science includes innovations in theory and principles with a wide range of applications. Application technologies, software methods and technologies and system infrastructure are also discussed in this field. However, computer science has very little to say about organizational issues and computer hardware and architecture. From this aspect, it is then revealed to be the main subject that must be taught in computer science. These courses include algorithm and programming fundamentals, operating system design and principles, programming language theory, intelligent systems, scientific computing, and software design.

In the field of computer science education, there is also a professional institution for computer science teachers in America, namely the Computer Science and Teachers Association (CSTA). CSTA formulates 9 policies as the basis for computer science education at the secondary and high school levels, as illustrated in the figure below.


Picture of Concentration in Computer Science


4. Graduate qualification profile

Graduates of the Master of Computer Science Education Study Program have general graduate competencies which include aspects of attitudes and values. In addition, graduates of computer science education also have special competencies that must be mastered by graduates which include knowledge, general skills and special skills. Thus, the profile of graduates of the Master of Computer Science Education Study Program can be seen as follows:

  1. Educator: Graduates who have the competence to educate, teach, guide, direct, train, assess, evaluate, and develop education and learning.
  2. Professional: Graduates who work in the industrial world who require special skills in the fields of computer science (programmers, multimedia designers, and networking engineers) and education.
  3. Technopreneur: Graduates who work independently by utilizing knowledge in the fields of education and computer science.
  4. Advanced Study: Graduates who continue to a higher level study, namely Doctoral.

5. Learning Outcomes

The following are the Learning Outcomes of Master of Computer Science Education:

1). Attitude

Faithful to God Almighty and able to demonstrate a religious attitude;
Upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics;
Contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and civilization based on Pancasila;
To act as citizens who are proud and love their homeland, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation;
Appreciate the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the opinions or original findings of others;
Cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment;
Obey the law and discipline in the life of society and the state;
Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics;
Indicate a responsible attitude towards work in their area of expertise independently;
Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship.

2). General Skills

Able to develop knowledge and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with the field of computer science education based on rules, procedures, and ethics.
Able to solve problems in the field of computer science education with an inter or multidisciplinary approach by involving various relevant stakeholders.
Able to manage research and development for the benefit of mankind as a result of critical and creative thinking published in national and international journals by paying attention to the ethics of writing scientific papers.
Able to initialize, manage, develop, and maintain a network with colleagues, peers in institutions and the wider education and research community;

3). Knowldge

Mastering scientific theories and principles in education, algorithms and programming, computer networks, multimedia, software engineering, and the latest technology to support learning and solving computing problems in general.
Mastering educational concepts and systems comprehensively for efficiency and effectiveness in the governance of educational organizations.
Mastering the theory, principles, and application of research methodologies in producing quality scientific works that are creative, innovative, and have broad benefits in the field of computer science education.

4). Special Skills

Able to develop science and technology in the field of education through research that is creative, innovative, inter and multidisciplinary, and tested to get more effective and efficient performance in teaching/education.
Able to develop science and technology in the field of software engineering through research that is creative, innovative, inter and multidisciplinary, and tested to get more effective and efficient performance and in accordance with the needs of the community.
Able to develop science and technology in the field of design and multimedia through research that is creative, innovative, inter and multidisciplinary, and tested to get results according to the needs of the community.
Able to develop science and technology in the field of computer network engineering and management through creative, innovative, inter and multidisciplinary research, and tested to get more effective, efficient, reliable, and inexpensive performance.
Able to contribute to the latest technological developments (industrial revolution 4.0., artificial intelligence, 21st century education, internet of things, etc.) to solve problems effectively and efficiently.

6. Curriculum structure

The curriculum structure of the Computer Science Education master's program is designed to 4 semesters with a total of 38 credits, consisting of 7 credits of Postgraduate Expertise Courses (MKKPs), 17 credits of core expertise courses (MKKP), 6 credits of elective courses Study Program, and 8 Thesis Credits. Distribution per semester can be seen in the table below:

Semester Credit
Semester I 12 Credits
Semester II 12 Credits
Semester III 6 Credits
Semester IV 8 Credits
Total Credits 38

7. List and distribution of courses

The following table is a complete list of courses in the Master of Computer Science Education Study Program:

A. Postgraduate Courses (MKKPs)

1 2 3 4
1 PS701
2 PS702
3 PS703

B. Study Program Core Expertise Courses (MKKIPS)

1 2 3 4
1 IK700
2 IK710
3 IK720
4 IK730
5 IK740
6 IK750
7 IK760
8 IK770

C. Study Program's Elective Courses (MKKPPS)

1 2 3 4
1 IK711
2 IK721
3 IK731
4 IK741
5 IK712
6 IK722
7 IK732
8 IK742
9 IK752


1 2 3 4
1 IK798


Matriculation Course (AANVULLEN)

1 2 3 4
1 IK131
2 IK213
3 IK211
4 IK404 Computer Science Learning Strategy
5 IK401
6 IK402 Computer Science Learning Planning

8. Learning Process

The learning process is designed so that it has the characteristics, planning and implementation of a good learning process and has a well-distributed learning load. The characteristics of the learning process are interactive, holistic, integrative, scientific, contextual, thematic, effective, collaborative, and student-centered. The characteristics of this process are outlined in learning outcomes that reflect the learning process that encourages the formation of a comprehensive and broad mindset by internalizing local and national excellence and wisdom. The existence of linkages between learning outcomes with each other requires the learning process to be developed thematically, integratively, collaboratively, and contextually in accordance with the demands of the ability to solve problems in the scientific realm of computer science education, with a scientific approach so as to create an academic atmosphere that forms values in accordance with the norms, religion and national ethics. The learning process can be carried out in various forms such as lectures, responses, tutorials, seminars, practicums, field practices, and or through school field introduction programs. Learning methods adapt to developments and needs through interactions between lecturers, students and learning resources in schools, industry and other environments that are considered effective in achieving learning outcomes.

9. Assessment

Assessment using a standard bias as guidance in assessing the learning process and results in order to achieve the learning outcomes. The principle of assessment refers to learning assessment standards which include educative, authentic, objective, accountable, and transparent principles which are carried out in an integrated manner. The assessment techniques used include written tests, practical tests as well as performance and/or products as student work in the form of comprehensive assignments. Attitude assessment is carried out throughout learning through moral messages and directions related to learning activities, either directly or indirectly and set forth in the appropriate rubric form, while for the assessment of knowledge and skills using one or a combination of the assessment techniques that have been mentioned.

The end result of learning is the integration of established assessment techniques and instruments by upholding the principle of transparency. The mechanism for implementing the assessment is carried out starting from the preparation, implementation, providing feedback, as well as publication and documentation in accordance with the schedule set by the university. Furthermore, the assessment of learning achievement every semester is poured with a semester achievement index.

10. Mapping PLO versus Qualification Profile

Learning Achievement Code
Graduate Profile
Educator Professional Techno
Advanced Study
ATTITUDE S.1 Devoted to God Almighty and able to show religious attitudes
S.2 Honour humanity values in carrying out tasks based on religion, morals and ethics
S.3 Contribute to improving the quality of life of society, nation, state, and civilization based on Pancasila
S.4 Acting as a citizen who is proud and loves the motherland, has nationalism and a sense of responsibility for the state and nation
S.5 Respect cultural diversity, views, religion, and beliefs, as well as opinions or original findings of others
S.6 Cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for the community and the environment
S.7 Obedient to law and discipline in social and state life
S.8 Internalizing Academic Values, Norms, and Ethics
S.9 Demonstrate responsibility for work in his field of expertise independently
S.10 Internalizing the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship
GENERAL SKILLS KU.1 Able to develop knowledge and technology that pays attention to and apply humanities in accordance with the field of computer science education based on rules, procedures, and ethics      
KU.2 Able to solve problems in the field of computer science education with an inter or multidisciplinary approach by involving various stakeholders    
KU.3 Capable to manage research and development for the benefit of humanity as a result of critical and creative thinking published into national and international journals by paying attention to the ethics of writing scientific papers    
KU.4 Capable to initialize, manage, develop, and maintain networks with colleagues, colleagues within the institutions and communities of education and more extensive research      
KNOWLEDGE P.1 Mastering the theory and scientific principles in education, algorithms and programming, computer networks, multimedia, software engineering, and the latest technology to support learning and solving computing problems in general  
P.2 Mastering the concepts and systems of education comprehensively for the efficiency and effectiveness of the governance of educational organizations    
P.3 Mastering the theory, principles, and application of research methodologies in producing quality scientific works that are creative, innovative, and have broad benefits in the field of computer science education    
SPECIAL SKILLS KK.1 Capable to develop science and technology in the field of education through research that is creative, innovative, inter and multidisciplinary, and tested to get more effective and efficient performance in teaching/education    
KK.2 Capable to develop science and technology in the field of software engineering through research that is creative, innovative, inter and multidisciplinary, and tested to get more effective and efficient performance and in accordance with the needs of society    
KK.3 Capable to develop science and technology in the field of design and multimedia through research that is creative, innovative, inter and multidisciplinary, and tested to get results according to the needs of the community
KK.4 Able to develop science and technology in the field of computer network engineering and management through creative, innovative, inter and multidisciplinary, and tested research to get more effective, efficient, reliable, and inexpensive performance    
KK.5 Able to contribute to the latest technological developments (industrial revolution 4.0., artificial intelligence, 21st century education, internet of things, etc.) to solve problems effectively and efficiently    


11. Mapping PLO versus Courses