External Quality Assurance

According to Permendikbud No. 5 of 2020 Article 4, every university must be accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT). Since 2021, the accreditation has been carried out by the Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM) in accordance with the profession of graduates produced by each study program. This accreditation activity is intended to assess the feasibility of a study program based on Permendikbud Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards. In addition, the accreditation aims to guarantee the quality of study programs internally, both in the academic and non-academic fields, which protects the interests of students and society.

In terms of aspects of the performance approach, the quality assurance system is referred to as educational criteria for superior performance using BAN PT standards listed in BAN-PT Regulation Number 5 of 2019 concerning Study Program Accreditation Instruments whose mechanisms are regulated in BAN-PT Regulation Number 1 of 2020. The validity period of the accreditation certificate from BAN PT is five years, and will be extended based on the results of BAN PT review before the accreditation validity period ends. The latest accreditation ranking obtained by study programs in the Department of Computer Science Education from BAN-PT is displayed in Table below.



Studies Program


Certificate Number


Computer Science Education



A (Excellent)

Computer Science



A (Excellent)



To further improve and strengthen the quality of education, FPMIPA UPI applied for ISO 9001: 2008 certification in 2011 and renewed it to ISO 9001: 2015. The ISO 9001: 2015 certification was carried out by an external independent certification body, namely TNV System Certification P Ltd., which has been certified by International Accreditation Services. In 2019, FPMIPA UPI obtained an ISO 9001:2015 certificate with a Certificate Number: IZOI09101611G. Regarding the monitoring process, the ISO 9001: 2015 auditors carried out internal audits two times and external audits one time.

Another form of quality assurance system implemented by the Department of Computer Science Education is the Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN). ASIIN is a non-profit association founded in July 1999. The Department of Computer Science Education is applying for ASIIN Accreditation in 2021 and will be evaluation on October.