
The following is a list of the latest 2020 scholarships:

  1. Beasiswa Djarum 2020 (Djarum Scholarship)
  2. Beasiswa Unggulan (Outstanding Scholarship)
  3. Beasiswa Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat (Karya Salemba Empat Foundation Scholarship)
  4. Beasiswa Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship)
  5. Jabar Future Leader

Beasiswa Djarum 2020 (Djarum Scholarship)

Since 1984, the Djarum Foundation has been consistent in contributing to the world of education in Indonesia. This step begins with the realization that education is one of the efforts to improve the welfare of the community and nation in realizing a better future. Djarum Foundation plays an active role in advancing education in Indonesia through a merit-based scholarship program known as Djarum Scholarship Plus for high achieving students in Indonesia.

More than 10,820 outstanding students have become program recipients. They come from various educational backgrounds in more than 121 leading universities in all 34 provinces in Indonesia. A testament to the seriousness of the Djarum Foundation in its commitment to building the nation through education.

Timeline :
Timeline Description
16 March 2020 – 16 May 2020 Online Registration
21 June 2020 – 27 June 2020 Document Administration Selection
29 June 2020 Administration Selection Announcement
29 June 2020 – 18 July 2020 Online Written Selection Test
20 July 2020 – 5 September 2020 Online Interview
25 September 2020  Djarum Scholarship Selection Announcement
Scholarship Coverage :
  1. IDR 1.000.000,- every month for a year
  2. Provision of various kinds of soft skills, so that the Beswan Djarum in the future become capable human beings intelligently and emotionally.

Registration link of Djarum Plus Scholarship

Beasiswa Unggulan (Outstanding Scholarship)

The Outstanding Community Achievement Scholarship is a domestic scholarship for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral levels. The Outstanding Community Achievement Scholarship can be participated by prospective students who already have a letter of acceptance at a university or students who have held lectures for a maximum of 2 semesters at the time of registration. The Outstanding Community Outstanding Scholarship is awarded to people who:

  1. Achieve international and/or national level
  2. Contribute to the nation's competitiveness in all fields
Timeline :
Timeline Keterangan
21 September 2020 – 3 October 2020 Online registration
Scholarship Coverage :
  1. Tuition Fee / UKT / Semester
  2. Cost of living
  3. Book Fee

Outstanding Scholarship Registration Link

Beasiswa Yayasan Karya Salemba (Karya Salemba Empat Foundation Scholarship)

Twenty-one years ago, the founders of the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation agreed that the priority of providing scholarships is for students who need financial assistance to complete their studies, because students who have good academic achievements will easily get scholarships.

Based on the statistical data we have, as many as 85% after participating in the scholarship program, experienced an increase in academic achievement, some of which did not experience an increase because since becoming participants in the scholarship program the student already has a high achievement index so it is difficult to improve again. In fact, for the past 3 years, the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation has a special coaching program for scholarship recipients who have an achievement index <2.00 to increase their achievement index to a minimum of 3.00.

Timeline :
Timeline Description
25 February – 31 March 2020 Roadshow & Scholarship Socialization
1 – 25 April 2020 Online Registration
25 - 30 April 2020 Online Document Selection
May 2020 Online Selection Announcement
June 2020 Document Collection (Hard)
July 2020 Verification of Admission from Campus
August 2020 Scholarship Admission Announcement
Scholarship Coverage :
  1. Scholarship allowance of IDR 600,000 per month for 1 year and can be extended.
  2. Coaching programs organized by KSE such as Face-to-face, Leadership Programs, Seminars, Workshops and Coaching.

Karya Salemba Foundation Scholarship Registration Link

Beasiswa Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (PPA) (Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship​)

The PPA Scholarship is a tuition assistance from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education which is intended for active students at the S1/DIV or D3 level who are currently in at least the second semester. The PPA 2020 and BPP PPA 2021 scholarships target students in various regions, especially those who are studying and excel, both at undergraduate (S1) and diploma (DIV/D3) levels. Technically, the 2020-2021 PPA scholarships are not much different from the previous period, where registration is determined by each university.

Recipients of scholarships and PPA tuition assistance will receive a fund of IDR 400 thousand/month. The scholarship is awarded for the first time in the current budget year period of at least 6 months. Applying for PPA and BPP-PPA scholarships is quite easy because students can directly register at their respective campuses.

Scholarship Amount :
  • - IDR 400 thousands/month

Beasiswa Jabar Future Leader (Jabar Future Leader Scholarship)

Jabar Future Leaders Scholarship is a higher education cost assistance program by the West Java Provincial Government to the people of West Java who are currently pursuing education at the D3, D4, S1, S2, and S3 levels who excel in both academic and non-academic fields. This program facilitates the people of West Java who are studying in higher education and are in the West Java region. The scholarship award aims to prepare the young generation of West Java as future leaders. Each student will receive the benefits of tuition assistance as well as coaching and mentoring programs.

Timeline :
Timeline Description
5 June – 22 August 2020 Scholarship Socialization
23 July – 23 August 2020 Registration
17 – 31 August 2020  Administration Selection
31 August – 11 September 2020 Verification By College
9 – 18 September 2020 Jabar Government Selection
21-28 September 2020


1 October 2020 Scholarship Admission Announcement
Scholarship Coverage :
  1. Full S1 Education Scholarship (4 Years) consists of tuition fees. The amount of tuition fees depends on the UKT of the campus concerned with the maximum limit from the West Java Provincial Government.
  2. Masters Education Scholarships (2 Years) and Doctoral Education Scholarships (4 Years) consist of tuition assistance according to the cost requirements of the campus concerned with the maximum limit from the West Java Provincial Government.
  3. PSDKU D3 Education Scholarship (3 Years) The amount of tuition fees depends on the UKT of the campus concerned with the maximum limit from the West Java Provincial Government.
  4. PSDKU D4/S1 Education Scholarship (4 Years) The amount of tuition fees depends on the UKT of the campus concerned with the maximum limit from the West Java Provincial Government.
  5. Educational Scholarships D3/D4/S1 for Accelerating Access to Higher Education (1 Year) in the form of education support funds are given once.
  6. Scholarship for S1 Non-Academic Achievement (1 Year) in the form of educational support funds is given once.
  7. All of these scholarship programs will have a coaching and mentoring program during the validity period of the scholarship.

Jabar Future Leader Scholarship Registration Link