UPI Computer Science Alumni Association

Ikatan Alumni Ilkom Upi

Alumni of the Department of Computer Science Education formed an alumni association which was officially established on March 7, 2010 under the name Ikatan Alumni Departemen Pendidikan Ilmu Komputer Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, which is abbreviated as IKA ILKOM UPI. The activities held by IKA ILKOM UPI in accordance with Chapter III article 8 of the Anggaran Dasar are as follows:

  1. The involvement of alumni in the implementation of community service at the Department of Computer Science Education in the context of empowering alumni for almamater development.
  2. Development and improvement of the quality of knowledge in the field of computer science both among alumni and the wider community.
  3. Achievement of organizational goals through collaboration and cooperation with various parties.
  4. Strengthening the solidity of kinship both between alumni, and alumni with the Department (alma mater)
  5. Participate in the development of the alma mater through optimizing the role of alumni.


The management structure of IKA ILKOM UPI is currently held by the management for the 2020-2022 period with the following structure:

Chairman: Toni Haryanto, S. Pd.
Secretary General: Zulkifli, S. Kom.
Treasurer: Nurul Fajariyah, S. Pd.

Bidang 1 Alumni Profesional Development:

  1. Faisal Agus Tri Putra, S.Pd. (Coordinator)
  2. Rahman Abdul Razak, S. Kom.
  3. Chairul Anam P. B., S. Pd.
  4. Asep Rizal Nurjaman, S. Kom.

Bidang 2 Partnership and Service:

  1. Lucki Hersya Rachman, S. Pd. (Coordinator)
  2. Mira Suryani, S. Pd.
  3. Irsad Harfiansah Shodiq, S. Kom.
  4. Rahman Taufik, S. Pd.


The activities that have been held by IKA ILKOM UPI can be seen via the following link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MYrYhj4agk5b4wuFFAoaO7dB41slXM9t.