Career Guidance for Prospective Graduates of 1st Batch Graduation in 2020

by: Depilkom UPI    01/03/2020 05:00:11

Source: Humas FPMIPA UPI 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Indonesia University of Education (Indonesian: Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Universitas Indonesia / FPMIPA UPI) held a guidance event specifically for prospective graduates of FPMIPA for the 1st batch of graduation of UPI. On this occasion, the Faculty invited 2 competent speakers, Muhamad Gina Nugraha, M. Pd., M. Si (Lecturer in the Department of Physics Education, and the UPT BKPK UPT Branding Development Team) and Basytyan Cardinal Pratama, S.Kom. M. Ba (2008 Computer Science Study Program Alumni, Founder & CEO of BAST-IT Studio,, and Co-Founders).

Source: FPMIPA UPI Public Relation

The Department of Computer Science Education is proud of the invitation to one of the 2008 Computer Science Study Program Alumni. In this event, Basytyan shared his experiences in the field of entrepreneurship. And last but not least, he also shared his experience in building a business with prospective graduates. The hope is that the graduates will be more open-minded, and can also be motivated by the stories of experiences provided by Basytyan.