Computer Science Student Guidance Event

by: Depilkom UPI    15/09/2019 19:45:13

The opening of the Computer Science Student Guidance event (Indonesian: Bimbingan Mahasiswa Ilmu Komputer/B-Mail) was held on Sunday, 15 September 2019, and took place in IK-201 room FPMIPA-C Building. This activity is one of the programs of the Development Division (DPO) BEM of Department of Computer Science Education which aims to develop leadership in new students, form active, creative, honest personalities and form reliable mentors in providing insight to new students as well as strengthening ties of friendship between the generations.

The main activities contained in this event include the material about regeneration, the material on leadership, tips to become ideal students, and also submission of prospective student leaders for the class of 2019. In addition, participants in this activity are also invited to get to know all Vocational Activities Units (Indonesian: Unit Kegiatan Kejuruan/UKK) and the Community in the Department of Computer Science Education.

The Output expected from the B-Mail Opening is that students who have just joined the Computer Science Student Class of 2019 can become superior, compact, and care about each other. In addition, this activity is also expected to foster interest in achievement, through the presence of the UKK and the Community in the Department of Computer Science Education.