Introduction to Industrial: “Application and Experiences in Tech Industry with”

by: Depilkom UPI    01/10/2021 14:47:00

BEM Kemakom held an event Introduction to Industrial, themed “Application and Experiences in Tech Industry with”. This event was held on September 25, 2021, using the Zoom Meeting conference media and live on the YouTube channel of BEM Kemakom.

The main activity of this event was presented by Miftah Mizwar as a speaker. He is the CEO & Co-Founder of and also alumni of the Computer Science Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia class of 2011. is a platform that helps every digital creator in monetizing their works and getting financial support from their audience as an appreciation.

Picture 1. Theory session with Miftah Mizwar

In his presentation, Miftah told how his journey in making various applications and projects failed many times until finally Trakteer was created. Miftah also shared his valuable experience when he joined the internship program and freelancing. He emphasized that the experience was very influential and useful in the industrial world. In addition, he explains the reason Trakteer was created and introduces the team that accompanied him.

Miftah also told the audience about career opportunities in the educational and non-educational fields, which can give the audience an overview about the job prospects in computer science are very broad. At the closing of the presentation, he also gave tips and tricks that students must prepare early to achieve that career.

Picture 2. Photo session Introduction to Industrial

This event got great enthusiasm from the participants. Hopefully, Introduction to Industrial event can give new insight for the students of the Computer Science Education Department about the industrial field and can be prepared early for the future.


Watch the reruns of this event on: Reruns of Introduction to Industrial



Writer: Zahra Nur Hanifa