Makna Studio Teams Win The Champion of Quran Application Design at MTQM UPI 2018

by: Depilkom UPI    28/10/2018 11:37:11




In October 2018, one of the student teams from the Department of Computer Science Education (Depilkom) succeeded in winning 1st place in the competition organized by UKM UPTQ UPI, namely Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran Student (MTQM) 2018. There were several branches of competitions provided by the committee, those are:

  1. Tilawatil Quran
  2. Tartilil Quran
  3. Qira’at Sab’ah
  4. Al-Quran content debate with English
  5. Al-Quran content debate with Arabic
  6. Al-Quran Scientific Papers
  7. Khaththil Quran (Kaligrafi)
  8. Khaththil Quran (Calligraphy)
  9. Hifzhil Quran 20
  10. Hifzhil Quran 10
  11. Hifzhil Quran 5
  12. Al-Quran Computer Application Design

The team, which was incorporated in Makna Studio with members Rahman Abdul Razak, Fiko Gunawan, and Trisna Risnandar, succeeded in winning the branch of Musabaqoh Al-Quran Computer Application Design, defeating several other competitors.

By the chosen of Makna Studio as the champion, the team then will be included in intensive coaching to prepare the National MTQ in 2019.

We congratulate Makna Studio team for their hard work and efforts. Hopefully, the results of this activity can be felt by many people and become a trigger to work harder and participate in other activities!