ASIIN Accreditation Workshop

by: Depilkom UPI    10/09/2021 23:37:55

In order to prepare for the international accreditation visitation Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik (ASIIN) which will be held in December 2021, the Computer Science Education Department together with the Mathematics Education Department has held a workshop from 3 September 2021 to 5 September 2021 which is located at Hotel Sany Rosa Bandung. Activities are carried out offline while maintaining the Covid-19 process.

On the first day, in detail the activities carried out include checking in hotels and preparing for workshops; the opening of the workshop conducted by Dr. Lala Septem Riza, M.T., explained the progress reports of each study program; complete SOPs, Module Handbooks, Websites, and preparations for making videos in each study program; and conduct analysis and follow-up in the Criteria 6 section.

On the second day, the activity begins with the presentation of progress reports on the activities of the first day of each study program, followed by completing the work on the first day that is still not finished. In addition, on this second day, each department began to prepare responses to ASIIN’s comments in the SAR and design scenarios for preparing the ASIIN visit in December.

On the last day, the activity began by presenting a progress report on the activities on the second day, continuing the design of the ASIIN visitation preparation scenario, and closing the activity. The activity was closed by Dr. Elah Nurlaelah, M.Si. and continued with preparations to check out the hotel and go home.

By holding this workshop, it is hoped that the Computer Science Education Department and the Mathematics Education Department can be better prepared for the international accreditation visitation which will be held in December.


Writer: Muhammad Cahya