DINAMIK Closing Ceremony

by: Depilkom UPI    26/01/2022 23:19:00

The 16th Anniversary of the Computer Science Family (DINAMIK) has reached the end of the event. The series of activities that have been taking place since October 31, 2021, finally closed with a closing ceremony on December 26, 2021. This year’s closing ceremony was lively and lively even though it was held virtually through the Zoom Meetings platform and broadcast live through the Bem Kemakom Youtube channel.

Figure 1. DINAMIK 16 Closing Ceremony

The activity was opened with a lively welcome by the presenter. “Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,” he said. Furthermore, a number of invited guests conveyed their remarks and congratulations on the 16th anniversary, including Muhammad Iqbal Zain as the head of the DINAMIK 16 activity, Fadjrin Diraja Muhammad as the chairman of the BEM Kemakom Asmaraloka cabinet, and Enjun Junaeti, Msi, as the secretary of the Department of Science Education. Dr. Dadi Rusdiana, M.Si, as the deputy dean for student affairs at FPMIPA UPI, and Dr. Sandey Tantra Paramitha, S.Si., M.Pd, as the Head of the Division of Student Cooperation and Organization of the Directorate of Student Affairs, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Thank you to the invited guests who came and gave their wishes this time.

At the closing ceremony, awards were also given to the winners of the DINAMIK 16 series competition. The competitions held in the DINAMIK 16 series included essay competitions, digital poster competitions, and web design competitions. In addition to awarding awards, a showcase was also held to display digital posters and web designs that won the competition. 

Congratulations to the following participants and teams who managed to bring medals in this event

Poster Design

  1. Matsila Arrumaisha Yuana (SMAN 1 Subang)
  2. Hadi Yansah (SMA Prakarya Internasional)
  3. Fajar Febrian (SMAN 6 Kota Bengkulu)


  1. Ni Made Yura Pradnya Paramitha (SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar)
  2. Dinda Alya Rakhmawati (SMA 62 Jakarta)
  3. Anisa (SMK Negeri 2 Sumedang)

Web Design

  1. Tim ORBIT (SMKN 4 Bandung): Rachel Sabardila Permana Putra, Muhammad Bilal Arief Suryant, Ariq Hikari Hidayat
  2. Tim Curious (SMK Telkom Bandung): Humam Ibadillah Fakhri, Zidan Muhamad Daffa
  3. Tim Kangen Mantan (SMK TI Bali Global Denpasar): Ryan Aditya Puluhulawa

Figure2. Poster Competition Winner Showcase

Figure2. Poster Competition Winner Showcase

At this event, the donations that were collected during the event were also given to the orphans. After that, the attendees also prayed for the Department of Computer Science Education to complete and close the closing ceremony of DYNAMIK 16. Happy Birthday to the Department of Computer Science Education! Hopefully, with age, the Department of Computer Science Education will be more successful and will continue to strive to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, especially in the field of computer science.


Author: Arfiansyah Sucitra