Introduction to Industrial : "Prepare for Future Career in Tech Industry"

by: Depilkom UPI    17/12/2020 19:37:01

November 28, 2020, an Introduction to Industrial Webinar was held, which was held by the Student Executive Board of Kemakom FPMIPA UPI with the theme “Prepare for Future Career in Tech Industry”. This activity is an alternative to industrial visit activities which are the annual work program of BEM Kemakom which cannot be carried out offline in the Covid pandemic situations which are still ongoing today.

The webinar was attended by two presenters who are alumni of the Computer Science Study Program class of 2005 and 2009, they are Irma Siti Rochmat S.Kom., Who is currently pursuing a career as Co-Founder, Analyst, Project Manager, and COO at PT Smartekno and Hendri Lubis, S. Kom who works as a Product Designer at Gojek.

The first presentation was delivered by Irma Siti Rochmat, by motivating students to be persistent and diligent in preparing for careers while in college. Because according to her, the chances of success are so easy to get for current students, one of which is having alumni who can share stories and tips with them, one of which is through the Introduction to Industrial activity. Talking about the introduction of the industry, she introduced the company where he currently works, namely PT Smartekno. Smartekno is a technology company that provides core services for building enterprise-scale applications that can be built according to client needs. Currently, there are 25 people in the team at Smartekno, and work based on projects.

The second presentation was from Hendri Lubis, who conveyed the career journey at Gojek to tips on preparing for a career in the industry. Starting from how we have to improve the quality of soft skills, because according to him, manners are more important than the ability of our hard skills. With a high manner, having the desire to continue to learn and respect others, it will make other people more respectful and enthusiastic to teach us. Then if we feel we don’t have or don’t know what hard skills we have, it would be better if we look for them through what we like, or also called passion. Next is to take the college process until graduation and prepare the best portfolios on our journey from failure to failure before success follows. The last, let’s make your own successful story. Everyone’s success story is different, that’s why we have to go through whatever process we face in the future.

For a more complete explanation, watch the reruns of Introduction to Industrial on the BEM Kemakom youtube channel or click the following link.

Introduction to Industrial Part 1

Introduction to Industrial Part 2