Figure 1. Stadium Generale 2022 Poster
Tuesday, November 1st, 2022 BEM Kemakom held a Stadium Generale: Concern about Cyber Attack and Internet Safety. This event was held offline at the JICA Auditorium from 07:30-11:00 WIB and was attended by 300 participants. This year’s Stadium Generale invited two presenters, the first presenter was Ir. Budi Rahardjo, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the CEO of PT Riset Kecerdasan Buatan and lecturer at the Institut Teknologi Bandung, and the second speaker was Eddy Prasetyo Nugroho, S.Kom., M.T. as a Lecturer at the Indonesian University of Education.
Figure 2. First Presentation by Eddy Prasetyo Nugroho, S.Kom., M.T.
The first presentation opened the event by Eddy Prasetyo Nugroho, S.Kom., M.T. with the topic “Cyber Security in the Internet of Things (IoT) Area”. In his presentation, Eddy presented material on what cybersecurity and IoT are, the development of IoT applications, the challenges of IoT, and IoT Cyber Security.

Figure 3. Ir. Budi Rahardjo, M.Sc., Ph.D. presented his topic
The second presentation session was presented by Ir. Budi Rahardjo, M.Sc., Ph.D. with the topic of material regarding Cyber Security. The presentation of the material was very interesting and received a good response from the participants because the speakers connected their knowledge of cyber attacks and internet security with daily experience. Budi also said that innovation in technology provides many opportunities and can make life better, but there is definitely a security risk in it. To guarantee security, the new work environment must be accompanied by related SOPs & habits, safety awareness and skills are also needed to maintain its implementation.
After the presentation session, a question and answer session was held which received enthusiasm from the participants. The five best questioners get door prizes at this event. Finally, the Stadium Generate was closed by playing mini-games, closing prayer and taking a group photo.
Figure 4. Photo Group Session
This Stadium Generale was attended by academics of the Computer Science Education Department. Hopefully, by holding this event, the students of the Department of Computer Science Education will be more aware of and pay attention to Cyber Attacks and Internet Safety, and can also become agents of change that can educate the Indonesian people to be more careful and alert to cyber crimes.