Poster Contest Dinamik 15

by: Depilkom UPI    23/11/2020 00:02:03

The poster competition at the Computer Science Dies Natalies (Dinamik) 15 event invited many enthusiasts who are skilled in the field of graphic design. The number of registrants who also participated in the competition was 52 representatives from SMA / SMK and equivalent consisting of teams or individuals.

The poster competition assessment is carried out after the participants submit their work until the deadline for submission, namely on November 3, 2020. The judges for this poster competition assessment are lecturers of the Department of Computer Science Education, Eki Nugraha, S. Pd., M. Kom., And Program students Computer Science Studies, Rizal Purnomo Putra Perdana.

All participants have given their amazing work. Of the 52 participants, the best 3 will be selected as winners of the Poster competition for Dinamik 15.