INTERGALACTIC (International Event of Technology and Scientific) 2021 is a program organized by the Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) which consists of webinars and paper competitions. This year’s INTERGALACTIC Paper Competition has the theme “The Role of Science Students in Realizing Society 5.0 as a Contribution to the SDGs 2030”. Papers collected are in English and can have sub-themes of agriculture and food, education, energy, environment, health, industry, socio-cultural, and technology (

Figure 1. Second Place of Paper Competition
The team from the Computer Science Education study program submitted their paper with a technology sub-theme entitled “The Effectiveness of Using The Share In Application as a Media for Donation of Goods in The Effort Towards a Rising Indonesia” which won second place in the INTERGALACTIC paper competition. 2021. The team consists of:
- Fadjrin Diraja Muhammad (2019 class)
- Ayesha Aprilia Sundawati (2019 class)
- M Dzikri Alfarisyi (2019 class)
With Enjun Junaeti, M.Si as team supervisor.

Figure 2. Team Composition
The things that need to be carefully included in the paper are as follows:
- The background is supported by reliable reference sources related to the description of the problems faced and the solutions offered, it is also necessary to write a fairly coherent way of writing so that the plot of the background is easily understood by the readers, especially the judges.
- Research methods that are also supported by good reference sources so that the method used can be seen as reasonable and can be a solution to the problems raised in the paper.
- The existence of a prototype of the application made, if indeed the contents of the paper are related to applications in the field of information technology, this indicates that the research authors already have evidence of working on applications that are not only theoretical, but have been implemented even though they are still in prototype form.
- The results of the study are accompanied by evidence of testing, for example by conducting surveys related to applications to the community and profiles of respondents, this needs to be done so that conclusions drawn can be based on data not only something that has no evidence, then also needs to be discussed related to what need to be discussed from the research results and will be interesting because no research is perfect.
- Sequential writing so that it is easy to understand and read by the judges. The focus of writing a paper is the understanding of the reader.

Figure 3. Winner Announcement
“I did not expect to be in the final,” said Fadjrin as the team leader. Therefore, as soon as possible preparations are made to face the final on Thursday 11 November 2021. The preparations made by the Fadjrin team are as follows:
- Prepare presentation slides and practice making presentations.
- The Team Advisory Lecturer, invited two other lecturers, namely Rosa Ariani Sukamto, M.T. and Erna Piantari, S. Kom, M.T. to participate in providing input on this demonstration exercise presentation on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 starting at 20.00-22.30 online. On this occasion discussed related
- how to present good slides when viewed from the point of view of people outside the team, so that recommendations are given on each page of the presentation slide how interesting and easy to understand by the jury later using the basics of human psychology,
- presentation demonstration in English, so that input can be given regarding the choice of words and what should be discussed in order to be able to show the superiority of the research results,
- practice questions and answers and prepare answers, especially if you use English that is not yet mastered enough, then practicing becomes an absolute must.
- The team worked on the revisions given and also practiced doing presentations independently.
- Re-training with the previous 3 lecturers on Wednesday 10 November 2021 at 20.00-22.30 online, on this occasion preparing the final version of the slide to be uploaded to the competition server after the previous revision, conducting a presentation demonstration and practicing answering questions and answers. This needs to be practiced so that the team can answer well without taking too long, as well as how to choose good words or when there is a forgetting of the English word you want to say, and also discuss how to do greetings and how to adjust facial expressions so that the presentation can be memorable. for the judges.
- The team trains from the results of the previous exercise.
The preparations that were carried out until the last second brought Fadjrin’s team to become champions in the paper competition. The strength of the Fadjrin team is that they do not give up and always want to improve themselves and practice even in the close moments before the competition.
Congratulations to the Fadjrin team, hopefully, the team’s success and struggle can inspire other teams. This also proves that the lecturers within the Department of Computer Science Education are very supportive of the achievements of their students, especially for those who never give up and want to progress. Preparation is the most important thing in participating in the competition, because preparation is the process of convincing God to see that the contestants deserve to be winners or not. When there are two teams participating in the competition, one of which has made an unyielding preparation effort and the other has done it carelessly, then we all know which team will be the winner.
Writer: Rosa A. S.