MOKA-KU or Campus Orientation Period and Public Lectures are activities aimed to introduce the campus environment at the Indonesian Education University. In this case, the MOKA-KU Department (Mokadep) activity is part of the MOKA-KU UPI activity which was held on September 3, 2020. Unlike the previous years, activities were carried out online through the platform. New students from the Department of Computer Science Education were warmly welcomed by lecturer representatives as well as committees from the BEM Kemakom.
This time, the MOKA-KU Department started at 09.30 right after the new students finished attending the Faculty MOKA-KU event. The activity began with the recitation of a prayer by the committee then continued with remarks from the Head of BEM Kemakom Ervin Kurniawan (Pilkom 2018), Head of DPM Kemakom Hilmi Adlannafi (Pilkom 2017), and Chair of the Department of Computer Science Education Dr. Lala Septem Riza, M.T.
New students of the Department of Computer Science are given basic knowledge about lectures at the UPI Campus, starting with the introduction of the Academic Community of the Department of Computer Science Education, presentation of associations in the Department of Computer Science Education such as BEM Kemakom and DPM Kemakom.
Even though the activity was held online, it did not dampen the enthusiasm of new students to know the atmosphere of the lecture, as evidenced by the many questions asked by new students, both about lectures and about associations in the Department of Computer Science Education. This activity is expected to make it easier for new students to adapt to the new environment in this lecture, and in hope that the future activities, both academic and non-academic, can run smoothly.
MOKA-KU Department activities are broadcasted live via Bem Kemakom’s Youtube Live Streaming which can be accessed at the following link: