2021 MOKAKU of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

by: Depilkom UPI    30/08/2021 18:02:40

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia is holding a Campus Orientation Period and Public Lecture (MOKAKU) on August 26 – 28, 2021. MOKAKU is an initial activity for new students to get to know the environment on the campus of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. This year, MOKAKU carries the name Vidya Adinata which means superior education. Based on the name, it is hoped that new students in 2021 can achieve higher education both in terms of academics and other fields at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and become a superior force to continue working for the sake of building the Indonesian nation.

Source: YouTube TVUPI Digital

Held during the pandemic, the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia MOKAKU activities were held online using the Zoom Meeting platform and broadcast live on the TVUPI Digital Youtube channel. This year, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia accepted 10,092 new undergraduate students, consisting of 2,551 students from the SNMPTN, 4,547 students from the SBMPTN, 2,806 students from the self-selection, 188 students from the special achievement pathway, and students at the Masters (S2), Doctoral Level (S3), and Postgraduate Schools (SPS) as many as 1,358.

Source: YouTube TVUPI Digital

The activities on the first day that were held included the Inauguration of New Students and the opening of MOKAKU UPI, remarks by Endang Sutanto as student representative as Chair of BEM REMA UPI, remarks by Prof. Dr. M. Solehuddin, M.Pd., MA as the Chancellor of UPI, as well as remarks from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees (MWA) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Prof. Dr. Idrus Affandi, S.H. On the first day of this activity, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia presented resource persons from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A. who delivered material with the theme of Freedom to Learn Campus Teaching & Education in the Era of Society 5.0. In addition, there was a lecture on ethics and communication on the use of social media in strengthening the 4 pillars of nationality delivered by Prof. Dr. Karim Suryadi M.Si. (Chairman of the Council of Professors of PTN-BH for the Period 2020-2021) and (Chairman of the Board of Professors of UPI for the Period of 2021 – 2023). Furthermore, there is socialization from the Link Aja platform!

Source: YouTube TVUPI Digital

Source: YouTube TVUPI Digital

Source: twitter.com/mokakuupi

On the second day, MOKAKU was held at the Faculty level, Postgraduate Schools (SPs), Regional Campuses and Study Programs. The activity is filled with presenting material about the Profile of the Faculty, Graduate Schools (SPs), Regional Campuses, and their respective Study Programs which contains an introduction to institutional structures and achievements, academic and student guidance, as well as facilities and infrastructure delivered by the leadership of the Faculty, Graduate School ( SPs), Regional Campuses, respective study programs.

Source: twitter.com/mokakuupi

On the third day, the details of the activities held were the Student Activity Unit (UKM) Talkshow, Outstanding Student Talkshow, Talkshow and Launching: The 1000 Student Innovation Movement to Change Indonesia in Creating an Inclusive Campus and MBKM delivered by Dr. Yadi Ruyadi, M.Si as the Director of Innovation and Excellence for Higher Education UPI. In addition, on the third day, there was also a Public Lecture on Strategies to Grow Tourism, a Higher Education-based Creative Economy which was delivered by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A., M.B.A. and the presentation of the General Lecture: Peace Education for All which was delivered by Prof. Dr. Sunaryo Kartadinata, M.Pd as Indonesian Ambassador to Uzbekistan concurrently Kyrgyzstan.

Source: twitter.com/mokakuupi

Source: twitter.com/mokakuupi

Source: twitter.com/mokakuupi


Writer: Muhammad Cahya