Mute: Music Copyright Protection by PKM-KC team

by: Depilkom UPI    04/10/2020 19:27:51

The PKM-KC Depilkom UPI team, chaired by Ariswara, consisting of Ammar Ashshiddiqi and Dicky Kurniawan, developed an application called Mute. Mute is an Android-based application that uses the BC3 and RSA cryptography methods as well as the LSB Steganography method. This application is designed to secure song copyright data so that it is less likely to be misused.

In this Student Creativity Program, the team was accompanied by M. Nursalman, S.Si., M.T. has a target of designing prototypes to implementing application development on the Android platform.

Watch the video at the following link to find out more about the application.

PKM-KC Mute : Music Copyright Protection