English Language Training for Lecturers of the Computer Science Education Department in Preparing ASIIN International Accreditation

by: Depilkom UPI    16/06/2021 05:14:12

At this time, the Computer Science Education Department Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia is preparing the process of applying for ASIIN accreditation as an international accreditation of the two study programs in it, namely the Computer Science Education Study Program and the Computer Science Study Program. To prepare lecturers at the Computer Science Education Department Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, English Language Training is held for the lecturers.

Picture 1. English Language Training for Preparing ASIIN Accreditation

This training is held every Friday morning from 07.30 to 09.00. This training was attended by enthusiastic lecturers to improve their English language skills of the Computer Science Education Department Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The lesson materials discussed are related to how to deliver arguments, deliver data from diagrams, deliver the list of activity targets, and also there is even interesting material to become an Educational Content Creator.

Picture 2. English Language Training with the topic How to be an Educational Content Creator

With this English training, it is hoped that Computer Science Education Department lecturers can have better English skills to face the era challenges and on an international scale.

Writer  Rosa A. S.