Vania Apriliana, Computer Science Education
Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Covid-19 has hit almost all corners of the world. This virus from Wuhan China also engulfed our beloved country, Indonesia. This virus has claimed many lives in Indonesia, even every day Indonesian citizens affected by this virus are increasing in number. So the government requires the existence of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) to reduce the number of citizens exposed to this coronavirus. As a result of the PSBB, many activities were paralyzed and could not run as usual. Many employees do not work in their workplaces and have to work from home, there are also businesses that are deserted due to this pandemic, some are forced to stay home and laid off. In addition, the education sector in Indonesia was paralyzed. Schools and universities can’t carry out teaching and learning activities as usual and require teaching and learning online either through video conference or face-to-face meeting virtually or by giving assignments and conducting examinations online. It’s also no exception to KKN activities that have become routinity every semester in UPI.
Although in the PSBB condition, UPI did not remain silent and continued to carry out KKN activities. But the program this time is focused on helping to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 in the environment around students. PSBB did not prevent UPI students from participating in the Covid-19 KKN. Although this activity is carried out individually, UPI students continue to attend Covid-19 KKN with enthusiasm and sincerity so that it can have an impact on the surrounding environment, especially in reducing the number of residents exposed to the Covid-19. UPI KKN this time, I raised the title of POPULATION DOCUMENTATION AND EDUCATION COVID-19 THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA IN KELURAHAN BABAKAN SARI, BANDUNG CITY. The targets of the KKN program are the people in the Babakan Sari sub-district environment. The activities carried out during the Covid-19 KKN were very diverse, for compulsory activities, there was population data collection ranging from general data collection (age, education, occupation) and then there were also data collection of residents who came out or entered RT / RW / Kelurahan. There is also data collection related to residents affected by the covid-19 pandemic, low-income / poor economy data collection and so on. Then there are activities that can be selected by KKN participants in the form of making educational media for the surrounding community or for students and teachers, making anti-covid applications, helping teachers in the surrounding environment in online learning, as well as making APDs or items that may be needed by residents during the PSBB / quarantine period. The following are some forms of covid-19 education posters for the Babakan Sari village community uploaded to Instagram @kelurahanbabakansari. The form of the original poster in the form of moving pictures and other posters can be seen on Instagram @kelurahanbabakansari.
source: Instagram/kelurahanbabakansari
The KKN had a lot of impact on the residents around the student residences who followed it. In addition, the RT / RW / Kelurahan were greatly helped by the data collection of residents and local residents became educated and understood the dangers of this coronavirus and also knew what needs to be considered in dealing with this pandemic. APD or goods provided can also benefit local residents. It is not only residents who feel positive about the Covid-19 KKN program, we students as participants of it are also directed to participate in reducing the number of the spread of the Covid-19 virus starting from small things, which is from the environment around where we live. In addition, the Covid-19 KKN can improve my sense of empathy, solidarity and nationalism with the Indonesian state because students are mobilizers and assist the government in reducing the spread of the Covid-19. UPI Covid-19 Thematic KKN has opened my eyes to will and care to help others. I feel proud to be able to take part in Covid-19 KKN and also proud to be able to take part in the prevention of the Covid-19 through the knowledge that I gained while studying at UPI with the little things that I made and I got while studying there. Whatever about forms of help as long as the goal is good, it will have a huge impact on our beloved country and so will the world. Let’s fight against Covid-19 together!