The Faculty of Mathematics and Science holds an annual event in the form of an international seminar. The event is the 8th Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education International Seminar (MSCEIS) 2021 which held online from 23-24 October 2021. On the first day, the event consisted of opening, presentations from keynote speakers, invited speakers, and presenters. The international seminar invited several main keynote speakers including:
- Prof. Kwangho Lee from Korea National University of Education with the research presented entitled “Researches on Brain Based Mathematics Education”
- Asc. Prof. M. Asif Khan from Perdana University Malaysia with the research presented entitled “Data science competency for STEM”
- Dr. Sandra Ortega-Martorell from John Moores University Liverpool UK with the research presented entitled “Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges”

Figure 1. Keynote Speaker Session
while the invited speakers in the field of Computer Science and Computer Science Education are
- Dr. Asep Wahyudin, M.T. from Computer Science Study Program Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia with the research presented entitled “Reinventing Emerge of Agile Information System in Digital Transformation Era”
- Dr. Khyrina Airin Fariza from Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka Malaysia with the research presented entitled “Prediction and Classification Algorithm for Information Retrievals and Data Visualization”.

Figure 2. Dr. Asep Wahyudin, M.T. as Invited Speaker
This international seminar was also attended by lecturers from the Department of Computer Science Education. Two of them became “the best presenters” in each parallel session room, namely
- Rosa Ariani Sukamto, M.T. as “the best presenter” in parallel session room 5 with the research title “Android-Based Mobile Academic Information using Push Notification for Supporting the Student’s Academic Activities: A Case Study”
- Enjun Junaeti, M.Si. as “the best presenter” in parallel session room 6 with the research title “Using Teaching Simulator to Enhance Teacher Education Students Understanding of Learning Models”.
This seminar also involved two lecturers from Department of Computer Science Education as parallel session moderator, namely
- Erna Piantari, S.Kom, M.T. as the moderator of parallel session room 5,
- Dr. Rani Megasari, M.T. as the moderator of parallel session room 6.

Figure 3. Dr. Khyrina Airin Fariza session with Erna Piantari, S.Kom, M.T. as Moderator
On the second day, the event continued with a mini seminar for student representatives from each study program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and coaching papers for presenters. The Department of Computer Science Education sent three students, including:
- Fachri Veryawan Mahkota, representatives from the Computer Science Study Program and presented his project on the Bangkit program entitled “Mobile-Based Batik Pattern Recognition”
- Dina Dwi Handayani representatives from the Computer Science Education Study Program
- Willy Chandra Pratama from the Computer Science Education Study Program who presented the results of his thesis entitled “Implementation of VAK Model in Interactive Learning Multimedia Based on Snakes and Ladders Game to Improve Student^s Extrapolation Understandings on Vector Space”.

Figure 4. Mini Seminar
Hopefully, the international seminar held at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia can motivate and increase interest in publishing the research that has been done.
Writer: Rosa A. S.