Dinamik 15 National Seminar : “Sharpening Innovative Mind to Leading in Digital Era”

by: Depilkom UPI    20/11/2020 17:49:33

The second presentation of Dinamik 15 National Seminar on Thursday, 12 November 2020 was presented by Juni Hadi, VP-innovation Planning & Discovery at Indosat Ooredoo entitled “Sharpening Innovative Mind to Leading in Digital Era”.

Talking about innovation, is closely related to the “masterpiece” or masterpiece. The birth of this masterpiece was passed through various stages. Like a garden filled with beautiful flowers, there are processes that are passed first, they will not present themselves. Starting with seeds of ideas, supported by an environment that continues to support them, until it becomes a masterpiece that is beautiful to the eye. Make people amazed and talk about the ideas we produce.

Then at this time, we are in the digital era so those of us who have a work mindset will take the opportunity to create masterpieces in the digital world. One thing that we must have is to be strong in mastering digital skills, because it is a foundation among other foundations when talking about the digital era.

To get the overall material by Juni Hadi, here we provide a link to the live streaming video recording of Dinamik 15 National Seminar.

Live Streaming of the Dynamic National Seminar 15