Soft Launching of BoostIlkom Incubation Program

by: Depilkom UPI    20/09/2019 20:17:45

The Soft Launching of Incubation Program is a program organized by the Department of Computer Science Education (Indonesian: Departemen Pendidikan Ilmu Komputer /Depilkom) and is intended for all active students of Depilkom. This activity was carried out on Friday, September 20, 2019, in the Auditorium of FPMIPA-A. The presenters who attended this event were Asep Sufyan Tsauri, S.Pd. (Ingenio), and Deden Nugraha, M.Pd. (Assembler).

In this event, students are invited to get to know the world of entrepreneurship, especially in fields related to technology. The material explanation is carried out with a Talk Show system led by the Moderator, accompanied by a slideshow display by the presenters. Through student enthusiasm and useful information from presenters such as the basic knowledge of an entrepreneur, the experience of the presenters themselves, and with the explanation of tips & tricks, making this event run smoothly and has a very positive impression in the eyes of the students. At the end of the event, this incubation program was officially launched under the name BoostIlkom.