The Elected Computer Science Education Department Students as Bangkit 2021 Program Participants

by: Depilkom UPI    10/03/2021 20:49:42

Ditjen Dikti (Directorate General of Higher Education) is one of the main units in the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. They are collaborating with Google, Gojek, Tokopedia, and Traveloka to organize Indonesian Human Quality Development (Bangkit) to implement the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka 2021 (Freedom Learning in Freedom Campus) program. Bangkit is a training program on digital technology and soft skills. The purpose of Bangkit is to train 3.000 skilled talents for practicing 9 million skilled talents in 2030. This program is intended for students who want to study Machine Learning, Android Programming, or Cloud Computing.

Seventeen students of the Computer Science Education Department are chosen to join this program. Among them, namely: Priambudi Susanto, Dimas Anom Priyayi, Chandra Muhamad Apriana, Sidiq Nugraha, Imelda Widiya Hikmah, Muhammad Rizky Ferlanda, Muhammad Iqbal Hekmatyar, Fachri Veryawan Mahkota, Albari Berki Pradhana, Koes Safira Amanidyansari, Sondari Setia Rahayu, Puput Yuniar Maulida, Deffin Achmaddifa, Fina Royana, Non Alyya Yan Hari, Rully Nurul Hasanah, and Muhammad Ramadhan Maulana.


This program has been running since February 15th, 2021, and implemented through the google meet video conference. Deffin, as known as a Computer Science student said “Mobile development learn path has 2 classes. The first class is Bangkit career development, we are taught how to make a CV, how to answer an interview and many more. The second class is Mobile Development class, we are taught how to make a mobile application from basic to expert. As far as I know, the speakers of the Career Development class there are volunteers from Tokopedia, Gojek, Traveloka, and Google. Meanwhile, the speakers in the mobile development class are volunteers from Dicoding. The study schedule is 2 to 3 times a week, it depends on the Bangkit committee. For the rest, we are got Dicoding modules and should finish it according to the specific time. In the photo above, we learn how to make a good CV and how we should answer an interview (digital branding). Mr. Yoza was the speaker from Dicoding on Saturday, February, 20th 2021.”

Congratulations to the chosen students of the Computer Science Education Department on the Bangkit program 2021. Hopefully, this program can produce responsible digital talents and leaders, also advance the digital field, especially in Indonesia.