Depilkom Team, Annenin Duasi Wins 2020 LIDM Silver Medal.
Annenin Duasi, led by Meggy Nurdyansah along with members Dimas Anom Priyayi and Rifqi Subagja, developed a learning platform with the Campus Merdeka - Merdeka Learning theme. This development started with an idea to open an online course called the Independent Learning System (SiPeka). SiPeka offers classes that are more open for all students, which will need some lecturer’s involvement in making the said classes. In SiPeka there is an e-learning system, face-to-face scheduling for face-to-face learning needs or Blended Learning, mentoring and group discussions, lecturer collaboration in class making or reviewing submissions, libraries, and monitoring evaluation.
After submitting a proposal at the first preliminary stage, the team is declared to have passed to the final round. The creation of the SiPeka platform and the addition of several features were carried out within 2 weeks until the deadline for submitting the final work on August 2, 2020. August 4 was the first day of the final round presentation and the team gathered at the FPMIPA C Information Systems Laboratory. The team witnessed the extraordinary results shown by other teams, even these works already have high users compared to the newly developed SiPeka. The Annenin Duasi team was the last presentation participant on the first day. On the second day, the final continued with presentations by other teams until the closing ceremony at 4 pm which was also an announcement session for the results of the jury assessment. The jury of Division I competition then announced the Annenin Duasi Team as the 2nd winner with 1770 points which also won the silver medal. The joy was felt not only by each member of the team but also the leader of Depilkom who watched the live streaming of announcements at their respective residences.
There were 2 other teams apart from the team from Depilkom who represented UPI at LIDM and won gold medals. The three winners made UPI crowned the overall champion in this annual competition. Hopefully this achievement can be an inspiration to motivate students, to make achievements in various competitions, especially at Depilkom.