The Department of Computer Science Education has passed through the stages of applying for ASIIN International accreditation based in Germany. The online visitation was carried out on December 7-9, 2021. The struggle to compile documents and prepare ASIIN’s international accreditation has been carried out for more than a year by the lecturers and students involved. The preparations made include:
- collect necessary data related to documentation,
- perform language translation from Indonesian to English,
- fill out and translate the website of the Department of Computer Science Education into two languages, namely Indonesian and English,
- make equipment such as module handbooks, staff handbooks, and so on in two languages, namely Indonesian and English.
The online ASIIN accreditation visitation process consists of the following meetings.

Figure 1. Day 1 ASIIN Accreditation Visit
Day 1, Tuesday, December 7, 2021, starts at 9:00 am German time and 15:00 pm West Indonesia time which is divided into 2 sessions consisting of the following agenda:
- Opening Meeting of University leadership representatives attended by
- Representatives of the Rector’s Office UPI
- Prof. Dr. M. Solehuddin, M.A
(Rector of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Didi Sukyadi, M.A.
(Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs)
- Prof. Dr. H. Agus Rahayu, M.P
(Vice Rector for Finance and Resources)
- Prof. Dr. Bunyamin Maftuh, M.Pd.,M.A
(Vice Rector for Planning, Organization and Information System)
- Prof. Dr. H. Adang Suherman, M.A
(Vice Rector for Research, Internasional Affairs, Partnership and Business)
- Meeting with Program Coordinators
- Dr. rer. nat. Adi Rahmat M.Si. (Vice Dean 1)
- Prof. Dr. Nahadi, M.Pd., M.Si. (Vice Dean 2)
- Dr. Dadi Rusdiana, M.Si. (Vice Dean 3)
- Dr. Lala Septem Riza, M.T. (Coordinator of Cluster B)
- Dr. Dadang Juandi, M.Si. (Head of Mathematics Education Department)
- Dr. Cece Kustiawan, M.Si. (Head of Mathematics Program)
- Dr. Elah Nurlaelah, M.Si. (Head of Mathematics Education Program)
- Enjun Junaeti, M.Si. (Secretary of Computer Science Education Department)
- Dr. Wahyudin, M.T. (Head of Computer Science Education Program)
- Dr. Rani Megasari, M.T. (Head of Computer Science Program)
- Dr. Arif Hidayat, M.Ed,. Edu (Directorate International Affair (DIA) representative)
- Dr. Diana Rochintiawati, M.Ed (Faculty Quality Assurance)
- Tim Perwakilan dari ASIIN seperti pada sesi sebelumnya
- Moderator/Interpreter: Andrian Permadi, M.Pd
- Operator IT: Ahmad Syukron Surur, S.Pd.,M.T dan Yudi Ahmad Hambali, M.T.

Figure 2. Day 2 Meeting with Students and Alumni

Gambar 3. Day 2 Meeting with Teaching Staff
Day 2, Wednesday December 8, 2021, starts at 9:00 am German time and 15:00 pm West Indonesia time which is divided into 2 sessions consisting of the following agenda:
- Meeting with Students and Alumni
- Peers and ASIIN Staff member as the last session
- Students
- Annisa Sinthesianna (Mathematics Education-Grade 4)
- Samsudin (Mathematics Education-Grade 3)
- Salma Azizah (Mathematics Education-Grade 2)
- Fariz Arrasyif (Mathematics Education-Grade 1)
- Putrie Ninditha. (Mathematics-Grade 2)
- Derry Romeo (Mathematics-Grade 3)
- Tigin Khaerul (Mathematics-Grade 4)
- Rian Deramawan (Mathematics-Grade 4)
- Dimas Anom (Computer Science Education-Grade 4)
- Arfiansyah Sucitra (Computer Science EducationGrade 3)
- Aldi Maulana (Computer Science Education-Grade 2)
- Mohammad Guntur Nugraha (Computer Science Education-Grade 1)
- Fachri Veryawan Mahkota (Computer Science-Grade 4)
- Ahmad Izzuddin (Computer Science-Grade 3)
- Muhammad Melvyn Maunti (Computer Science-Grade 3)
- Aryo Bagas Pamungkas (Computer Science-Grade 2)
- Alumni
A. Mathematics Education Program:
- Puri Pramudiani, S.Pd., M.Sc (Lecturer of UHAMKA)
- Miftahul Auliya, S.Pd., M.Sc (SEAMEO-QITEP -Yogyakarta)
- Auliyaz Ibrahim (Teacher of SILN Bangkok, Thailand)
- Hendra Valley, S.Pd (Directors of Bank Indonesia, New YorkUS Branch)
- Muhammad Taqiyudin, S.Pd., M.Sc (PhD Student of Univ Queensland Australia)
B. Mathematics Program:
- Sofihara Al Hazmi, S.Mat, S.Si (Lecturer of Universitas Pertahanan)
- Dr. Trisno Ikhwanudin, M.Sc (Widyaiswara P4TK)
- Dr. Rifky Wijaya (Lecturer and Researcher of Telkom University)
- Syarifah Zuraida, S.Mat (Biofarma)
C. Computer Science Education Program:
- Mira Suryani. S.Pd., M.Kom. (Lecturer of Universitas Padjajaran)
- Adyan Marendra Ramadhani S.Pd , M.Eng, Ph.D (Software Engineering)
- Ajeng Astri Utami, S.Pd (Teacher of SMKN 4 Bogor)
- Endah Nursalehah, S.Pd. (UX Designer & Researcher in Jabar Digital Service)
- Muhammad Singgih Zulfikar Ansori, S.Pd, MTI (Professional in Codepolitan)
D. Computer Science Program:
- Resky Ramadhandi Santoso, S.Kom. (Assistant System Engineer, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS))
- Dian Sa’adilah Maylawati, S.Kom., M.T. (Lecturer of Universitas Negeri Islam Gunung Jati, Bandung)
- Kokoy Siti Komariah, S.Kom., M.T., M.Eng. (PhD Student and Researcher Pukyong National University, South Korea)
- Ahmad Banyu Rachman, S.Kom. (UX Engineer Blibli)
- Rubi Henjaya, S.Kom. (CEO Rubicamp)
- Moderator/Interpreter: Andrian Permadi, M.Pd
- IT Operator: Ahmad Syukron Surur, S.Pd,.M.T dan Yudi Ahmad Hambali, M.T
- Meeting with Teaching Staff
- Peers and ASIIN Staff member as the last session
- Teaching Staff
- Prof. Drs. Turmudi, M.Ed., M.Sc., Ph.D (Mathematics Education)
- Prof. Dr. Didi Suryadi, M.Ed (Mathematics Education)
- Prof. Yaya S Kusumah, M.Sc., Ph.D (Mathematics Education)
- Al Jupri, M.Sc., Ph.D (Mathematics Education)
- Dr. H. Aan Hasanah, M.Pd (Mathematics Education)
- Prof. Dr. Rizky Rosjanuardi, M.Si (Mathematics)
- Siti Fatimah, M.Si., Ph.D (Mathematics)
- Entit Puspita, M.Si (Mathematics)
- Dr. Khusnul Novianingsih, M.Si (Mathematics)
- Imam Albania, Ph.D (Mathematics )
- Jajang Kusnendar, M.T. (Computer Science Education)
- Erlangga, M.T. (Computer Science Education)
- Budi Laksono Putro, M.T. (Computer Science Education)
- Erna Piantari, M.Kom. (Computer Science Education)
- Harsa Wara, M.Pd. (Computer Science Education)
- Rasim, M.T. (Computer Science)
- Dr. Asep Wahyudin, M.T. (Computer Science)
- Rosa Ariani Sukamto, M.T. (Computer Science)
- Eddy Prasetyo Nugroho, M.T. (Computer Science)
- Yaya Wihardi, M.Kom (Computer Science)
- Moderator/Interpreter: Andrian Permadi, M.Pd
- IT Operator: Ahmad Syukron Surur, S.Pd,.M.T and Yudi Ahmad Hambali, M.T

Figure 4. Day 3 Meeting with Stakeholders
Day 3, Thursday 9 December 2021 starting at 9:00 am German time and 15:00 pm West Indonesia time consists of the following agenda:
- Meeting with the Stakeholders
- Peers and ASIIN Staff member as the last session
- Stakeholders
A. Mathematics Education Program:
- Dr. Farida Nurhasanah, M.Pd (Deputy Director for Program SEAMEO-QITEP)
- Dr. Sri Astuti, M.Pd (Vice Dean 1 FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta)
- Susianto, S.Pd., M.Si (Head of SILN-Bangkok School, Thailand)
- Dr. Ahmad Mudrikah, M.Pd (Vice Rector of Academic Affair, UNINUS)
- Asep Gunawan, S.Pd.Gr, M.Si (Head of SMP Taruna Bakti School)
B. Mathematics Program:
- Prof. Takashi Itoh (Professor of Gunma University)
- Dr. Surya Amami, M.T (Head of Mathematics Education Program, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati)
- Tunggal Tirtana, S.Si (Head of BRI Bank of Cimahi)
C. Computer Science Education Program:
- Asri Prameshwari, S.T, M.T (Professional in PT. Kodekiddo)
- Dr. Setiawan Hadi, M.Sc.Cs (Head of IT Department, Universitas Padjajaran)
- Drs. Mulya Murprihartono,M.Si, M.Pd (Head of School of SMKN 4 Bogor)
- Dr. Joey Miranda Suba, DIT (Dean, College of computing sciences and information technology (CCIT), University of the Assumption, Philippine)
- Dr. Kenneth Kahn (Senior Lecturer and Researcher in University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
D. Computer Science Program:
- Prof. Bong-Kee Sin (Lab Head of Artificial Intelligence Lab Pukyong National University, South Korea)
- Dra. Dwi Astuti Aprijani, M.Kom. (Head of Information Systems Study Program, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Terbuka)
- Detty Kurnia, SKM, MAP (Head of Data and Information Program Sub Division Public Health Office Bandung)
- Dr. Yani Dharma Putra (President Director of PT. Andal Rancang Multi Solusi)
- Sahru Maskur, M.T. (Manager Research & IT Support Telkom)
- Hasbi Asyadiq, S.Kom. (CEO Assemblr)
- Richan (Tech Director of Suitmedia Kreasi Indonesia)
- Moderator/Interpreter: Andrian Permadi, M.Pd
- IT Operator: Ahmad Syukron Surur, S.Pd,.M.T dan Yudi Ahmad Hambali, M.T
Hopefully the results of ASIIN’s international accreditation will be as expected, so that students can obtain the title as graduates of internationally accredited study programs.
Writer: Rosa A. S.