Picture 1. Poster of DIMAS-TI 2021
On April 17, 2021, a Webinar activity was held which was the opening activity of a series of Education, Mathematics, Science and Information Technology Student Exhibition events or DIMAS-TI 2021 with the theme “Effective Didactic in Facing Society 5.0 for Advanced Indonesia” through zoom media conference and broadcasted live via the BEM Kemakom’s Youtube channel. DIMAS-TI 2021 is an activity organized by AMLI (Association of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) Of Vocational Education Institute (LPTK) Indonesia), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education, and the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia’s Computer Science Education Department.
In addition to open a series of DIMAS-TI 2021 activities, this webinar also presents useful presentations by presenting two competent presenters from lecturers of the Computer Science Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and socializing about competitions that will be held at the 2021 DIMAS-TI event.
The webinar activity begins with recitation reading from the organizing committee and then continues with remarks given by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Dr. Dadi Rusdiana, M. Si.
In the first session, there was a presentation from Harsa Wara Prabawa, S.SI, M.Pd. about Introduction to Computational Thinking. He thoroughly discussed the meaning, benefits, and four elements of computational thinking, namely Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, Abstraction, and Algorithm Design.
Picture 2. Presentation by Harsa Wara Prabawa, S.SI, M.Pd
The second presentation was filled with presentations by Rosa Ariani Sukamto, M.T. regarding Pedagogy Learning, especially in the field of Programming. She discussed the importance of visualizing program code to make it easier for students to understand the concepts/theories of a program.
Picture 3. Presentation by Rosa Ariani Sukamto, M.T.
The material activity was closed with a discussion session using the Slido.com platform. The enthusiasm of the webinar participants was quite high, indicated by the number of questions given to the two speakers.
Picture 4. presentation discussion session
In the second session, there was a presentation and socialization about the DIMAS-TI 2021 competition. The first socialization was filled by Erlangga, M.T as the chief executive of the DIMAS-TI 2021 event. He explained important information from DIMAS-TI 2021, such as the introduction of the event, event objectives, competition branches presented, competition requirements for participants, race registration information, introduction to the DIMAS-TI 2021 website, and the race timeline.
Picture 5. Socialization of Competition Introduction by Erlangga, M.T
Then, there was socialization about the DIMAS-TI 2021 competition branches by each competition event division. The CT with STEM competition was explained by Irma Rahma Suwarna, S.Si., M. Pd., Ph.D., the Microlearning competition was explained by Rasim, M.T, and the microteaching competition was explained by Nusuki Syari’ati Fathimah, S.Pd., M. Pd. The competition presenters explained the provisions, assessment criteria, and the flow of activities of each competition branch. Then, the second session was closed with a discussion session regarding the 2021 DIMAS-TI competition.
Picture 6. CT with STEM Competition Branch outreach by
Irma Rahma Suwarna, S.Si., M. Pd, Ph.D.
Picture 7. Microlearning Competition Branch outreach by Rasim, M.T
Picture 8. Microteaching Competition Branch outreach by
Nusuki Syari’ati Fathimah, S.Pd., M.Pd
Picture 9. Competition Socialization Discussion Session
“The theme and material raised are quite interesting, it’s nice to get new knowledge, especially when Computational Thinking is a pretty important skill in the era of society 5.0. Hopefully in the future this exciting webinar will be held again in the DIMAS-TI series, with other themes that are also interesting to be followed, especially for Mathematics and Natural Sciences students” said Arfiansyah Sucitra (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Student) when asked about his impression and message on this event.
“DIMAS-TI 2021 is a competition that can foster a competitive and innovative spirit for students, especially LPTK students who are members of AMLI, this competition can add experience, students’ insight and skills in contributing to technological advancement, especially technology in the field of implementing CT, STEM and education for the advancement of the Nation in facing the era of society 5.0. It is my hope that the DIMAS-TI 2021 competition can be followed by all participants from the LPTK campus who are members of the AMLI who are scattered throughout the archipelago. In order for the competition to be lively and as a means of gathering and social networking between LPTK students who are members of AMLI” said Erlangga, M.T. as the head of the DIMAS-TI 2021 event when asked about the impressions, messages, and hopes of this activity.
The peak event of the DIMAS-TI 2021 will be held on July 27-28, 2021. For those who are curious about DIMAS-TI 2021, please visit https://dimas-ti.id to be able to see in full about the competitions presented. Then, for those who want to watch the presentations and socialization in this webinar, you can visit the BEM Kemakom youtube channel or click the link below.
Writer: Muhammad Cahya