Saturday, October 31th, 2020, an IT Webinar was held as the highlight of the Community Empowerment event organized by the Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Keluarga Mahasiswa Komputer (BEM Kemakom) FPMIPA UPI. This event invited teachers from various levels to listen to the lectures as well as discuss with the speakers who are lecturers at the Department of Computer Science Education, they are Herbert Siregar, S.Kom. M.T. and Rosa Ariani Sukamto, M.T.
The first presentation by Herbert Siregar entitled “Utilizing Technology to Improve Learning Quality in the Middle of a Pandemic” which discusses learning strategies in the pandemic era by describing research that results in findings to simple solutions in the form of applications and applicable learning models.
As for the second presentation by Rosa Ariani, she discussed “Becoming a Creative and Innovative Teacher in the Middle of a Pandemic”. Rosa shared tips on how teachers can always be fun figures for students with teaching styles and methods that are acceptable, not burdensome, and effective to encourage students’ understanding.
This IT webinar was conducted in a conducive and interactive manner. Participants gave many questions and responses to the two sources. Through this webinar, hopefully it can arouse the enthusiasm of teachers to be able to maximize their potential in providing learning to students.
Watch the live IT Webinar at the following link.