Webinar The Jobs Of Tomorrow

by: Depilkom UPI    12/12/2021 18:08:22

On Sunday, December 5, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. WIB, Computer Science Education Department held a webinar event named The Jobs of Tomorrow with the subtopic “The skill sets needed to compete and be successful in this complex situation”. This event was held through the Zoom Meeting and live on the YouTube channel Computer Science Education UPI.

The speaker of this webinar is Fadly Rasyad, M.M, S.T. He is a founder of Teal Agility which is professional coaching and training services based in Singapore.

Picture 1. Theory session with Fadly Rasyad

This Webinar is started with the participants expressing their feelings on that day and played a mini quiz given by the presenters through the Menti platform. The three participants who get the highest quiz points will get door prizes from the committee. After that, participants were directed to enter the breakout room according to their group and discuss the topic given by Fadly, to be discussed later in front of the other participants.

Furthermore, Fadly explained how we can prepare the skills needed in a life that changes greatly when the pandemic comes. How to survive, how to be more innovative and more adaptive. Also, he explained the importance of Agile for an organization and individual.

Picture 2. Photo Session

This webinar got great enthusiasm from the participants and hopefully, this webinar can be an encouragement to society especially in UPI, regarding the importance of mastering various kinds of skills needed in dealing with the new normal changes.

Watch the reruns of the Webinar The Jobs of Tomorrow on:
