On Friday, January 24th 2020, FPMIPA UPI invited 46 lecturers to attend the Workshop for Mathematics, Science, Technology, and Engineering (MSTR) Courses Support, including 5 lecturers from the Computer Science Education Department. Keynote speakers in this event is the core team of Mata Kuliah Keahlian Fakultas (MKKF) manager, which are Dr. Ida Kaniati, M.Si., Irma Rahma Suwarma, Ph.D., Dr. Sri Anggraeni, M.Si., Tuszie Widhiyanti, Ph.D., Eliyawati, M.Pd., Dr. Elah Nurlaelah, M.Si., Erna Piantari, M.T., dan Prof. Dr. Phil Ari Widodo, M.Ed.
In the second semester of 2019/2020 academic year, this course will carry the theme Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), which is an effort to encourage society to constructively and creatively face global challenges as well as create a tough and sustainable society. From 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the aims of Zero Hunger and Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure are 2 specific themes that will be the main study for students that take MSTR application courses.
After finished this MSTR application courses, students of FPMIPA UPI were expected to develop mathematics, science, technology, and engineering alliteration, solving problem around them critically, creative, integrative, and multi discipline, collaborated in the team, communicating actively and effectively in taking decision with consider local, national, and global challenge, as well as the establishment caring attitude and tolerance to social, economic, and environment problem in order to manifesting Education Sustainable Development (ESD) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).