-Febyana Ramadhanti, Computer Science 2014-
I am very grateful to be part of the Computer Science Education Department, here I not only get hard skills, but also soft skills. Bravo Depilkom FPMIPA UPI :)
-Sita Kartina, S.Kom, Computer Science 2014-
Computer Science Building is very impressive, it feels like you have a special basecamp, during college you always get new, fun and useful things. Hopefully the family relationship between students and lecturers will be maintained
-Muhammad Rahmanda, S.Pd, Computer Science Education 2014-
During my time at UPI Computer Science Education, I used to have a lot of memories, experiences, and knowledge that have guided me to become a person who has good character, insight, and upholds moral values when I enter society. Studying there is not just about completing credit requirements with a good grade point average, but also about building character and social values
-Muhammad Naufal Fazanadi, S.Kom, Computer Science 2015-
At UPI computer science, I am grateful to get useful experience and knowledge from great lecturers and get good memories with many classmates and across generations.